change (18)

Marginal Gains Theory

A video I came across recently was this one from David Brailsford, manager of Team Sky, the Cycling Team. It's not necessarily the case that I'm a huge cycling fan (put me on a bike and I'll prove it). It's more I'm fascinated behind the work that ha

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HR and the Army!

I have worked in the Military as what they call a HR Administrator for approx. 10 years and I have recently taken the plunge and left a very well paid, stable job in the Army.  I have gone over to the Dark Side, joined the ranks of Civvy Street!  Thi

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Don't Stop Believin Pt.1

Beliefs are powerful mental filters that can have a significant effect on how you make sense of the world, how you behave, how you feel and how you communicate. Beliefs can be the difference between failure and success, happiness and unhappiness, bet

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