The top 10 most expensive HR mistakes

Ranging from eight thousand pounds to just shy of half a million quid, there’s been some significant pay-outs in the tens of thousands of employment tribunal cases that happen in the UK each year.  Dodgy disciplinary hearings, harassing nicknames, questionable selection methods in recruitment and lack of compliance with statutory pay have all seen HR professionals being called into the dock.

One quick search on the internet reveals pages of reports made over the years by several organisations. There's this article, for example, from CIPD from 2015 on HR’s Top 10 most expensive mistakes.

These cases are always a useful reminder of the importance of the role of HR in ‘holding up the mirror’ to the organisation. How do you use external case studies such as those that come from tribunals? Do you discuss them within your HR teams? Are they used to support business cases for changes to HR policies and procedures or to educate line managers?

How does your organisation avoid these expensive mistakes?



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  • Yikes! I better get studying!

    • Just as well we are doing Employment Law soon Angela if you read this month's people management it is all about employment law so that is a good palce to start!

      See you soon!


  • Hi Leanne

    Yes it was rather eye watering! Hope you are well and you're enjoying the new role? All the best Sarah
  • Great read, thanks Sarah. No. 3 is interesting! Such a large award. I suspect there was a lot of evidence to back that up along with plenty of wrong-doing from the employer. I've never heard of an award for that much before. 

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