
I'm currently working on my research project for CIPD Level 5 in L&D.

My topic is on how to induct Gen Z's into the workplace (born in the mid 90's/ early 00's) and just entering the world of work- from my own experience I've seen gaps in basic professional skills but also a disconnect in how managers are equipped to deal with it.

I've found some good sources for my literature review but wondered if anyone is aware of any relevant academic articles/ journals that may help to write a stronger paper?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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  • Hi Kay

    Have had a butchers and found this academic research paper from University of Georgia - might be useful.


    There have also been some good discussions here as well on the subject that would make good reading 

    A generational witch hunt

    How do the views of X differ to Y

    So I'm part of the dumbest generation?

  • Hey Kay. I have a lot of thoughts and experiences in this area. Want to set up a chat with me? Twitter @perrytimms and we can DM and then Skype or Google Hangout.

    Before we do have you seen Jamie Notter's When Millennials take over? And Nilofer Merchant's 11 Rules For Creating Value in the social era?

    I'm just about to start working with Martina Mangelsdorf from Switzerland who has a big reputation for this kind of thing in Europe.

    That OK if we chat?


    • Thanks Perry- the Jamie Notter book looks interesting and am sure there will be some references in here I can use. There's is much written about Millenials (and some of this will still be relevant/ transferable as there will be some overlap in generational behaviour) but as GenZ are only just entering the workplace, i've naturally found it harder to gather multiple references. Keen to hear your experiences- Twitter might be easier, it's hard to commit to anything more concrete like Skype as work is so busy at the moment,


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