Induction Checklist

We have a thorough induction process for an employee's first morning at our company, which is run by HR and covers the basics such as HR, H&S, IT etc.

I have had some feedback that when employees then meet their actual teams and manager, their induction is poor.

I am going to send out some evaluation forms, but wanted to know: do you impose any procedures or checklists to ensure that this second part of the induction is successful?

Thanks, Tracey

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  • Hi Tracey

    We too have an induction guide that is owned by HR, but facilitated by the relevant managers.  This has and still continues to evolve with every new recruit.  Managers are given a full overview of how to facilitate an induction with a reference sheet of tips to refer too if they're feeling a bit rusty!!  At the outset we also asked them to contribute to the content of the induction guide to ensure buy in and alignment to their business objectives.  

    As with other comments you have received, our new recruits have a series of meetings and business related activities to fulfill during their first 2 weeks of induction with us; there is a checklist they must complete with their manager.  Something we always get positive feedback on is the meet and greet section where they meet with business heads to find out a little bit more about the wider roles of the company and where they fit into the bigger picture.  It often means that they settle in that bit quicker and have a good grasp on the key objectives of the strategy and the values of the company.  

    You've mentioned evaluation forms and this is the crucial part for us.  The meet and greet with HR is always at the end of the induction period so we can use that time to ask about the new recruit's experience to date.  We also ask for the induction guide to be returned to HR at the end of the 2 weeks so we are able to ensure it has been followed appropriately by the new recruit/manager and to review the final evaluation pages at the back of the book.

    If there are any areas where feedback is poor, or equally excellent, then this is rectified/feedback given as appropriate.  Feedback improves all the time, but this certainly hasn't always been the case.  Every now and again someone will also make a great suggestion to improve the induction experience, which we try to incorporate.  I think because HR monitor the process we now get better results.

    I think sending out evaluation forms will be a great idea.  I hope my experience has helped a bit.


  • I think this is a classic example of something that is 'HR owned' but seems to be falling down because it's out of 'HR's Hands'.

    Is it an issue that it is HR owned? I think so as this automatically means that if it belongs to someone else then I'm (whoever) not accountable - which is leading to a poorly delivered induction 'on the floor'.

    It should be part of everyone's accountabilities to ensure new members of staff get the best induction possible. This is hugely important and everyone should feel responsible for helping new members of staff learn and develop so they can do their jobs to the best of their ability.

    Is it that the managers don't know what to do or how to do or they don't want to (as they feel it's not their responsibility)?

    If it's the first two then you can help - if it's the latter then it's time to find yourself some new managers!

    Be interested to hear what sort of feedback you get and will this feedback also be going to the managers/team leaders?


  • Hi Tracey

    What we provide here is a pack for the Team Leader to go through with the individual covering aspects of their role their interactions with others in the team or other teams, the Site Org charts and their own MCP's (their own Management Company Procedures) relevant to the individuals role etc - Location H&S issues pertinent to their office/location on Site then they complete a return sheet which is then added to their training rewcords to prove they have had their local induction.

    Hope this helps


    Magnox Limited

    Once these has bee
  • Hi Tracey

    We actually get the managers to lead on the induction.  It is co-ordinated by HR & all the paper work comes back to us but it's hte line manager who take the responsibility for the employees induction.  We have a managers checklist which outlines everything that needs to be covered and by when.  We also have a corporate induction & a separate H&S induction which are all ticked off on the checklist.

    Evaluation forms will be great to find out what is or isnt happening once they meet the team/manager. 

    Establishing what needs to be done & the standards expected will help you make any changes to the second part of the induction provess.


    • Hi Jillian

      Thanks for your response.

      Would you mind sharing your checklist? I think it would be really useful

      Thanks, Tracey

      • No problem.  Inbox me your email address & i'll send one through.


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