What is your opinion on the key knowledge, technical skills and behaviours each role requires to be successful in L&D? Does the skills and behaviours vary? if not why? 

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  • Hi Muhammad,

    So I'll kick things off by saying - wow - BIG question!

    I would say yes skills and behaviours vary due to massive variety of roles in L&D (this is why we we love it right?)

    So for example:

    The skills of an instructional designer would be very technical, covering aspects such as - story boarding, graphic design, user experience etc 

    A Learning Business Partner however wouldn't need as many technical skills but would need to be excellent at influencing, root cause analysis, performance consulting

    We then also have the CIPD HR Profession Map which highlights key behaviours expected and these can be applied to a variety of roles. My favourites that I believe really apply to L&D professionals

    • Courage to challenge
    • Role Model 
    • Curious 

    Are they are any roles in particular you're looking at?

    What are your thoughts on the profession map and what behaviours do you see that apply to L&D?

    Look forward to your thoughts

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