I was part of a panel discussion at a Learning and Performance Institute event this week. In the session I shared a few statements and eye-catching numbers to help provoke debate and conversation. Two of those stats were:

There are 8 billion daily videos on Facebook and 10 billion daily video views on Snapchat.

These huge numbers, published in this report, surprised people. The Snapchat figure is staggering because Snapchat only launched video sharing in 2013 and has 100 million users (as opposed to Facebook's one billion users).

What’s really interesting is its user base. Of all US users, 37% are aged between 18 and 24 and 26% between 25 and 34 (source). What’s also interesting is the ephemeral nature of its content - snaps disappear once they have been viewed by the recipient.

This means there is a generation of employees whose approach to content and communication is quite different to the generations who have gone before them.

The question then is: what are the implications for learning? Is this the way learning is going to go - with colleagues creating and sharing content in the moment, under the radar and only to be lost shortly after unless it is important enough to be saved?

This is the topic of a podcast I did with another panelist Nigel Paine shortly after the debate ended. Nigel suggests that the Snapchatification of learning could represent a really useful shift forward for L&D. Could it?

It’s a really interesting line of inquiry for L&D teams. We know social, video and messaging are really popular, especially with younger employees, so isn’t it time we built on the Snapchat experience?

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