360 appraisals

Hi all,

My first time back in the DPG forum for quite some time, it's looking really good!

My CEO recently took the brave step of allowing me to ask all staff "If you could change 1 thing about the workplace what would it be?" through an anonymous note system.   It was refeshingly good to see that firstly, not everyone clamoured to get their long awaited gripe addressed (maybe there are none?) and secondly, those that did comment did so constructively and with justification and suggestions to back up their point.

Anyway, one of the trends to come out was that several staff asked for us to consider using 360 appraisals rather than the usual manager/employee annual performance review that we have utilised.  I thought it useful to ask here if anyone uses 360's and what works?  Is there a simple template that anyone is happy to share?

Any advise or guidance would be much appreciated,

Best wishes

Steve D 


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