CIPD - Megatrends

The CIPD is committed to championing better work and working lives, for the benefit of individuals, businesses, economies and society. The unprecedented scale and pace of change in the economy and world of work presents an urgent and critical need to ensure the ways we work, our workforce and workplace cultures are fit for today and drive performance and growth for the future.

The purpose of this report is to highlight some of the key trends that have been shaping our economies and the world of work in order to prompt a debate among practitioners, academics and policy-makers on the implications of change and what the HR profession can do to adapt to change and help shape the future.

In the report the CIPD have grouped the analysis of the trends under three broad themes:

1) the changing nature of work;

2) the diverse and changing nature of the workforce

3) the changing nature of organisations and the workplace context and environment.

These themes will guide future research, strategic conversations and policy development.

Here are the resources you can take a look at

Megatrends Video

Megatrends full report

Megatrends infographic

  • What do you think to the research?
  • Do agree with the broad themes of change and how can you see these changes taking place in your organisations?
  • How do you think HR professional need to respond?

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