Bersin by Deloitte have released a new report on the Global Human Capital Trends 2015 which contains great insights and perspectives to help shape your organisation's priorities for 2015. It includes links to an interactive dashboard where you can tailor the findings by geography, company size, and industry.

The just-released report makes the case for a new HR playbook — one that taps HR to be more agile, forward thinking, and bolder in its solutions.

The report involved surveys and interviews with more than 3,300 business and HR leaders from 106 countries. Among the findings:

  • The gap is widening between what business leaders want and what HR is delivering.
  • Engagement and culture skyrocketed to the no. 1 issue around the world, with 87 percent of companies rating it important or very important vs. 79 percent last year.
  • Half the respondents rated their leadership shortfalls as “very important,” while only 31 percent believe their leadership pipeline is "ready."
  • Learning and development issues exploded, rising from the no. 8 to the no. 3 most important talent challenge in this year's study, yet despite this demand, capabilities in learning dropped significantly.

Download the Deloitte 2015 Global Human Capital Trends report.

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