How to manage people

I've heard this question come up a few times. A few years ago, when I was a manager myself, one of my team members was successfully promoted. They were certainly good at their job and were very helpful in helping others to be good at theirs too. But they had no leadership and management experience. It wasn't long before they were asking the question of 'How to manage people'.

In a similar vein, more recently, a member of my family was talking to me about the progress they are making in their career. I have no doubt that if they continue to do well, promotion is probably on the horizon for them too at one point. Perhaps learning how to manage people is something they should start now, rather than tackle the mountain when the time arises.

How to manage people is such a broad topic though isn't it? There are an array of skills that are required to be a great manager and get the best out of people.

Where should they begin?

And that's the question I'm interested in looking at with your help. What are the answers to How to Manage People? How do people get started? Where should they focus their development.

I'd love to get a crowd-sourced set of responses to this question. What's your thoughts on 'How to Manage People?'

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