HR Data Stories

Do you use the data available within your organisations as effectively as possible?

Do you use any data within your organisations?

Data and most recently BIG data have been hot HR and L&D topics as systems can now generate a huge amount of workforce data. You can find out more on the topic of BIG data here

So what can you do with and how can you use data in your organisations?

The CIPD have just released two podcasts from HR Directors at Enterprise Rent-a-Car and Unliver talking about how they interpret and use data. Leigh and James are immersed in the world of HR information. Enterprise Rent-a-Car and Unilever are both global organisations that place a lot of importance on the gathering and interpreting of workforce data.

Give them a listen and let us know what you think.

Do you already use data within your organisation in a similar way to Leigh and James?

Is data the hidden elephant in the room?

How can you see data helping you improve your workplace in the future?

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