level 5 UIN assessment

Hi All

i am currently busy with resubmitting my assignment the topic being high employee turnover-however the company i chose to model the assignment on is a family based company and its onl permanent employees are the family members. All others are contractors whether part time or temporary the compnay requires everyone to be a contractor. The contractors work or are contracted on a permanent basis not for specific jobs and the company is totally reliant on the contractors to do the work. I have used the term employees loosely in m assignment which has now created some confusion which i fully understand but does anyone have any suggestions how i can go about rectifying this? My argument to the company is that there is a high turnover of employees which in effect are contractors, which the rely on, whom are continuoulsy looking for better opportunities and many end up leaving-it is my recommendation that they employee more permanent staff. Any suggestions?


thank you in advance.

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