Hi all

An interesting report featuring one of the country's top female surgeons - if there is anyone who works for the NHS it would be interesting to hear your views on this.

A 2013 survey of newly qualified UK doctors suggested that 68% of the female ones believed surgery was not a career that welcomed women.


Ms Shah believes the problem is partly down to a hierarchical structure, which she says is dominated by men in senior positions.

"More subtle forms are being referred to as 'the nurse', being in a meeting with men and being the only woman and you're asked to make the tea.

"There needs to be a cultural change so that women don't feel uncomfortable or inferior," she said.

As an HR professional encourgaing diversity across the workforce has never been more critical.

It would also be interesting to see if anyone has experienced this from an HR perspective?  Personally it was a bug bear of mine in my last role that as a member of the leadership team it always seemed that I was asked to take notes/minutes, which as the only female on the team I could not help but attribute to my gender. I'm not trying to be inflammatory just sharing my personal experiences.




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