Hi all, 

I work for a social impact company and we place Health Mentors into (mainly) Primary schools across the country. They work with schools on a number of areas such as increasing the physical activity, wake and shake clubs and after school actives. They also work with children who find the traditional classroom environment challenging, which can take the form of classroom assistance, working in small groups and also 1-to-1 mentoring. The final area they work in is the health and well-being, either with certain classes, or the school as a whole. The children complete a 20 question questionnaire taken at strategic points throughout the year with the idea being both to identify which children might need help and the areas they need the help in - e.g. more physical activity, working on confidence, working on integration etc. 
An idea which has come from multiple parts of the business is that if we are advocating the children taking this questionnaire to reflect on their emotional health and wellbeing then as a company we should practice what we preach and complete a health and well-being questionnaire (obviously modifying the questions accordingly). While I think this is a good idea I do have some reservations which is where I need your thoughts and help: 
  • The survey system we have doesn't allow for anonymous responses and I'm conscious that I don’t want this to come across as the company prying into employees personal lives and feelings -
    • Has anyone implemented anything similar?
    • Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to roll this out to a young, millennial, dispersed workforce?
    • Has anyone experienced any barriers? And how did you overcome them?
    • Does anyone have any ideas to tackle the option of employees giving answers they think we want to hear? i.e. false positives?

  • The company doesn't want to anonymise the responses because they wish to use it as a tool to help identify if anyone needs help, guidance, and support (as we do with the children). The people within the business who could see the responses would be:
    • Their own line manager (Regional Managers) - but not other Regional Managers
    • 3 x Senior Management (myself, Business Development Manager, Sales Manager - both of whom have been Regional Managers in the past) 
    • 2 x Directors
    • 1 x Project Manager and Research and Development Associate
      I'm concerned that as we are only a small company (under 100) that this represents a large portion of the company having access to information about employees. The company doesn't want to use different software, mainly due to cost, but the current system can easily and quickly manipulate the data and responses into usable graphs.
      • What are your thoughts on this?

  • If issues are identified (the idea being that their line managers are able to view the results and flag any concerns where needed - e.g. I know at least one of our Health Mentors suffers from depression) - I want to ensure we are properly set up to support if and where needed. I am aware of Employee Assistance Programs such as Medicash and Simply Health -
    • Is anyone aware of any other similar either companies or similar services we can invest in? (Budgets are tight so the more cost-effective the better). 

  • While my gut feeling is that this should be a voluntary survey, however the company will want to ensure that everyone completes it so that it gives us an accurate point of view across the company.
    • What are your thoughts on this?

  • I also want to put together a framework for managers to give them some guidance as to which path to take if something is flagged up. I can think of depression, stress, unmotivated, unchallenged, angry;
    • Are there any other glaringly obvious negative thoughts/emotions that I’ve missed that you think would need guidance?
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. 
We have a first draft of the questions, but these are definitely still a work in progress - if you have any suggestions on the questions please let me know: 
  1. In a normal week, how many hours outside of work do you spend on physical activity?
  2. How many per week hours beyond your normal working hours do you spend on work-related activities (planning, assessment, marking)?
  3. On a normal day, how many fruits and vegetables do you eat?
  4. How many hours do you spend on social media?
  5. How many hours do you spend using technology (TV, Xbox, Tablet)?
  6. I feel I complete tasks to the best of my ability. 
  7. I am able to take feedback and criticism on board and learn from it.
  8. I enjoy working with others
  9. I can be open and honest with my colleagues and managers
  10. I enjoy work
  11. I have someone to talk to when I have an issue
  12. My concerns are heard
  13. I can calm myself down when I am angry
  14. I am able to prioritise and not get distracted from my work. 
  15. I am able to manage my workload effectively

Thanks in advance, 



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