Morning all

HR in the news again today with the ruling on the Pimlico Plumbers case.

Employment lawyers are of the view this will shake up the gig economy as it was upheld that Gary Smith who worked for Pimlico was a worker and not self-employed.

One lawyer on the case stated:

“The judgment of the UK’s highest court underlines the point that simply labelling workers ‘self-employed’ does not guarantee the corresponding legal status. The nature of the relationship and the degree of bargaining power and obligation between the parties is crucial in determining workers’ rights.”

Of course this also means bad news for the likes of Uber and Deliveroo, who are currently contesting that their drivers are in fact self-employed

It will also be interesting to see if the government fast tracks any of the recommendations from the Taylor Review, which seem to have been kicked into the long grass given the focus on Brexit.

What are your thoughts on this will it have an impact for your busioness?

It would be great to hear

All the best



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