Sick of using boring content in your PowerPoint? How can you bring more visually engaging data to the table? I've got answers!

Luckily for you, I've recently come across this great article on how to make an engaging infographic and thought it would be interesting to share with you. It includes some great tools and insight in to how you can make your infographic stand out and then let the world see your creation...

As somebody who's used tools like Piktochart and Prezi, I can honestly say that creating these visuals are a lot easier to do than it sounds. It's really all about patience and experimenting. I've never really had any problems with creating infographics, I'd say I have more problems working with simple tools like PowerPoint and Publisher - I'm just never satisfied with the boring-looking designs where the only 'creative' option you get is Clip Art and boring old graphs...

" is super popular with students, teachers and business owners who need to put together lesson plans or concepts in easy-to-follow visual forms."

"In terms of going the extra mile in sharing your awesome infographic via social, you could even try attracting new audiences on LinkedIn, Google+ and Instagram. Creativity and a little out-of-the-box thinking can go a long way."

Props to Lilian Sue (@LSue23) for this great article on creating infographics.

Hope this helps :-)


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