
I have been reading lots of articles on the internet but none of them unfortunately give a distinct answer to my query.

I have built some simulations using the Screen Recorder functionality in Articulate, but the Try and Test mode has to be done in the order it was recorded. I am hoping to build a test for data entry, where the order is not important for how the screen is completed, but I need to test the speed and accuracy of the entry. Is there any experts out there that know how (if possible) to do this with Articulate?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Hi Wilf,

    Great question that has had me thinking since I saw it. My gut feeling is that this might be achieved using variables but it would be one to play about with for you to be sure. How's your experience of using variables?


    • This reply was deleted.
      • Hi Will,

        It's a possibility. Definitely one to try small first. Have you posted this on the Articulate community too? Very helpful people lurk on there.

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