Building an LMS and content

Hi all

My Manager and I are about to embark on a huge task! We are going to build an LMS framework from scratch. We'll be locking ourselves into a room for two days very soon to map it all out. We will also need to start sourcing the content for it too. Content that will cross reference to a lot of our courses / modules currently we run across the business to further enhance the blended effect, but also standalone content on other topics too.

As this is a new venture for me, I wonder if anyone would like to share any tips, do's. and don'ts? I guess my main questions are:

1) Any advice on what to do in terms of the framework of an LMS? For example, we know we should ensure it links to Sage in order to capture all colleagues details. 

2) Any advice on sourcing content for an LMS? It is just a case of getting out there and experiencing the content and then deciding whether to curate it or not?

Any advice would be much appreciated.



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