Digital Skills Framework

You can't be in Learning & Development and no understand that Digital Technologies are having not only on our profession but in the world!

So you need to know your social network from your TMS and your digital badge from your codec......

Check out this great interactive resource below, created to raise awareness and broaden people's understanding of digital tools in higher education which translates right in to the world of corporate L&D.

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CIPD Branch Events

Did you know your local CIPD branch will put on relevant events that are free to CIPD members.

Take a look for your local branch here and what events are happening. Remember attending these events are great CPD evidence.

CIPD Branch Event Search


Click here to see a full list of members including our Facilitators.

Did you know that if you go to the list of members, the Members Online button will show you who is online right now? Why not say hello?