Edward De Bono, Six hats


I am currently progressing through my CIPD level 3 and been asked to design and deliver a session on De Bono's Six hats. As I am fairly new to this I was hoping that the community could give me some ideas on how I can build the session.



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  • Hi Charles, I had to do this in 2013 for my L3, I found it really interesting and if used properly It really gets you to put on the blue hat - managing the thinking process.

    For my exercise I looked at the full training cycle and gave thought as to what hats I would use at each stage and why... I would often use two or even three hats at some points depending on the stage of the training cycle e.g. when you get to LNA/TNA you may find yourself using multiple hats. Alternatively, a colleague of mine who also did this course chose to do a neutral subject, she chose wedding planning (as she was in the throes of planning her own wedding.

    My suggestion would be to chose a topic you are familiar with, set out a pathway of how to get there and then select a hat for each step

  • Hi Charles, I am doing the exact same thing! What helped me was researching activities that had been used in schools for children to give me ideas on how to make the activity less complicated!

    Don't do my mistake, set your objectives first then plan the activity... we went round in a few circles until the objectives were set!

  • Hi Charles 

    This blog might give you some interesting ideas 



  • a site I found on line which may be helpful

    Hi Charles,

    this site I just found on line may be helpful as it describes the 6 hats and also how to set up a session using them. I always look stuff up on the internet for my course. You can also do a search on the DPG page which will provide links to relevant blogs and other people's posts about the same topic, which can be helpful sometimes.

    Thank you for reminding me about de Bono's six hats. I am now going to use it myself on a project I am currently working on!

    Very best wishes and good luck with your session.


    • Thank you, much appreciated

  • Hi Charles

    I had to do this for my own level 3.  Happy to share with you what I did.   Probably best to email me blake.henegan@optimussourcing.com or give me a call on 0845 519 7408. 

    Warm regards


    • Thats great Blake any help would be great.

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