
  • I should never plug our products on here but we provide a great SMS survey tool that is perfect for these.  You can trial it out here - Let me know if you need any more info.

  • Hi Louise. I agree with the confidentiality being key. We used questions based on the Gallop Q12 questions...pdf of questions available online. I think maintaining momentum and focus and undertaking any resultant action is imperative. disengaging when there is a ramp up of activity and promises made at time of survey but no action/improvement made on back of results.
  • Hi Louise,

    I agree with Ady that being able to reassure employees that their answers will not be linked back to them is key to getting honest responses.  At my work we use a market research agency to administer the survey as we're a large organisation and we have to ensure employees are only answering one survey but at the same time we need to reassure employees that the information they use to access the survey is not then linked to their answers.

    Also be clear about the timeframe you're interested in with your survey: are you asking them how they feel now or on average how they've felt over the past 6/12 months etc?  I'd also advise not asking too many questions, or ones that sound too similar, and if any are potentially confusing (eg in asking about 'technology' do you just mean your company IT systems or anything from telephones to vending machines) then put in an 'ie' phrase to explain.

    Apologies if this isn't what you were asking for at all!


  • Hi Louise

    I tried to reply with this last night on the move, but it generally went wrong and the links didn't work! Let me try again....

    This from Survey Monkey gives some good advice. Gets you thinking about different questions you might ask. Particularly like the advice at the bottom especially the point on confidentiality. I remember seeing employee engagement surveys being introduced in one org I worked in. People were surprisingly sceptical around the consequences of being honest in surveys. It was interesting to see over time (year's given it was an annual survey) how trust was built up.

    Perhaps some considerations for you there. Do you think people will accept filling in the survey or might you have to pre-empt some of these emotions people might have in doing so do you think?

This reply was deleted.

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