Online research


I'm just ploughing through the Level 5 MHRHRS pack and assigment and am in danger of writing a report with no references to professional research!

Just wondering if anyone can recommend some good sites for finding professional writing?

It's been a long time since I was at uni when this sort of stuff would have come naturally!!

Any tips greatly appreciated :-)

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  • Hi Emma,

    We provide this info in your group

    Here is a link to CIPD Library that may be useful:

    Specifically the question of how to reference when second hand references are used was raised.  This is where you cite a quotation from an author who attributes it to another source For example if Marchington and Wilkinson (2013) quoted Smith (2000) you must acknowledge both sources in your text.  In the main body of text you could write Smith (2000), cited in Marchington and Wilkinson (2013), then at the end in your References list you list the actual source of the quote i.e. Marchington and Wilkinson's book.

    Please take particular care when citing online sources.

    We recommend using Harvard Referencing and there is a nice referencing tool below

    and this tool is still in Beta but worth looking at

    Hope this helps

    • Thanks for that Mike,

      I will have a look in the group, I was just casting the net wide to get as many tips and advice as possible as the deadline is tomorrow - eek!

      • No probs its probably not obvious so we'll look at that for you

        I'm sure the tools will help then if time is tight :)

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