Hi All,

Came across this fantastic list of L&D resources on Twitter compiled by @LisaAGoldstein http://ldglobalevents.com/l-d-resources/

There are 100’s of links that feature L&D blogs and free stuff! It has encouraged me to do two things first of all share it with everyone on the forum and second of all add a list of my best L&D websites!

Just for the record- the DPG Community is at the top for obvious reasons :)



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  • Loving the fact the DPG community is at the top (brownie points)

    But loving the fact you've taken the plunge and created your own blog EVEN MORE

    Well done and look forward to more posts :0)

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CIPD Branch Events

Did you know your local CIPD branch will put on relevant events that are free to CIPD members.

Take a look for your local branch here and what events are happening. Remember attending these events are great CPD evidence.

CIPD Branch Event Search


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