Hi all

It's that time of year when the media (and a lot of the web for that matter) is creating lists of trends for 2016. With this in mind I wanted to see if we could create our own list of the learning trends we have seen this year. It maybe that it has been a 'business as usual' year or maybe you have been asked to do new things or do things differently. Could we create our own trends based on our own experiences?

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  • Hi Martin,

    I think one word that I've heard more than any other this year in the field of L&D is Neuroscience. It's been around for a while but it seems to have gained more momentum this year than in previous years. The links to L&D are huge as the more we understand how the brain works the more we can design learning experiences that really stick and have an impact.

    That's the idea but I wonder how many internal L&D teams take a neurological approach to design or even have the knowledge and understanding that sits around it to make a difference.

    I think the other trend that I've heard more about are communities of practice and collaborative working.

    More internal L&D teams now have access to ESN's (Enterprise Social Networks) either as a standalone or a social bolt on to an existing LMS, it is becoming clear that the opportunities for L&D to harness the power of these tools and make it part of what they do and how they do are there for the taking. 

    Here is a good piece on 5 collaboration trends that we might see next year although I think they are the same as we've seen this year imo although I think seamless interoperability is something we are seeing now due to initiatives that Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

    5 Collaboration trends to expect in 2016

    Any of these trends stand out for you as already happening or one's to watch?

  • Great question Martin.

    It could be that I'm noticing the word more, or that it is indeed trending more this year than previously. I think you'll know given the word:


    As I say, it may be because I'm noticing the word more, but it would make sense if it is an area that is trending more.  With so many more ways to capture, share and connect with knowledge using technology, L&D seems to be less about creating workshops and programmes from scratch and more about making use of and curating the great stuff that's already out there.

    • Thanks, Ady. Curation is a topic close to my heart as you know. I've created four courses using curated content so my experience supports your thinking.

      I wonder what other trends people are seeing?

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