Having seen the goanimate output from Kevin I thought I'd give it a go

The two short videos are focused around coaching and the sort of conversations that can aid understanding in the workplace and give some context

If these help to set the coaching aspect up for the certificate sessions, please feel free to use / share


What is coaching http://t.co/rfyTtwPD

After the first coaching session http://t.co/bn7DoHbI

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  • Just seen another video, which might be useful.....on the GROW model

  • Love it Duncan! We are going animate mad - look what Kevin has started!!!

    • Thanks for that Kris

      Can't believe hiw easy that was. Kev the trendsetter as always!

  • Good work Duncan! Perhaps this can replace the classic Whitmore video

  • Really like this! Congrats on a fab animation. The content is really quality, the length is just right too.

    I wish Go Animate would let us upload voiceover as sometimes the voices come out a bit robotic, but it is free after all!



    • Thanks for your kind words I was just trying to cover off some of the thoughts that learners may have when starting to engage with coaching and I really liked the idea of learning through a conversation at the copier or the watercooler. Agree completely on the sounding robotic, but as you say - for a free resource it works for me!!

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