When Does Real Learning Happen?

We often talk about learning as this thing that we can't touch, it's something that is hard to tangibly measure, it's something that people often just get 'given' or attend or even better 'Training'. You train a dog right?

We in L&D tend to call everyone 'learners', we give people 'learning' materials and talk about developing 'learning' cultures.

Let's put learning as an verb, and as a word that is banded around without thought or care at time - to one side and dig deeper - when does Real Learning Happen? It's a question that Tanmy Vora has asked and answered on his blog which you can read here. Highly recommend you take time to read it.

Real care and attention has been put in to this with a great diagram (see below) to support the many of the bullet points in the main post. As I'm reading through the list and looking at the pictures, I ask myself how much of this is embedded in our solutions and interventions to help people not only learn but apply the knowledge. How much of this stuff do I do myself?

Would love to know your thoughts on the subject - when does real learning happen for you?


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  • I love this picture as it really reflects what I'm trying to do in embedding a new sales call model across my company. I am trying to apply lots of elements above but find people kick back if they hear too much about the topic , it's usually the people who are not applying the learns or didn't get it in the first place . At the moment I am trying to collaborate with those using it to develop further support
  • Hi Mike

    Hi Mike

    I like this but always rail at terms like 'real' because it suggests that all the other ways in which we learn are not 'real'. From the start of our lives we learn through play and from shock and surprise eg touching something hot when we are children. These are powerful, but not intentional, ways in which we learn.

    I like this list because it is about personal responsibility, which is so important. However, there are other ways we learn which are just as powerful and therefor just as 'real'.


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