DDI's Global Leadership Forecast is expected to be released this year. It's an interesting report that looks at leadership considering leadership readiness, what leaders need to do to improve and what's holding them back. In previous years, the Global Leadership Forecast has revealed that organisations with the highest quality leaders were 13 times more likely to outperform their competition in key bottom-line metrics.

But how do you sport the best leaders when recruiting?

I've been looking at some free e-books that caught my eye on Linked In. One of them contains job description templates that work, another is a really useful guide on using Linked In to recruit. This one includes a very interesting take on building a 'talent pipeline' to help with future recruitment by keeping you alert of potenital talent suitable for your organisation.

In the third book, there were some interesting examples of questions to use during the recruitment process to identify high-potential candidates. The examples given are behavioural type questions and the book also contains a useful explanation of why this question type is particularly effective. According to Linked In, the most important 'soft skills' to look for during interviews include Leadership.

The examples included questions that I'd expect to see. Questions such as:

Tell me about the last time something significant didn’t go according to plan at work. What was your role? What was the outcome?

Give me an example of a time when you felt you led by example. What did you do and how did others react?

Tell me about the toughest decision you had to make in the last six months.

What did grab my attention though is the questions that were included to 'keep things interesting'. These are a handful of unconventional questions that top business and talent leaders like to ask. The advice was to sprinkle one of these in during your interview to find out more about a candidates personality and the way they like to think. They included:

“Why shouldn’t I hire you?”

“How would your manager describe you? Now tell me, how would your best friend describe you?”

“Is better to submit a project that’s perfect and late, or one that’s good and on time?”

You can download the e-books from Linked in here.

In the meantime, I'm interested in finding out how you spot the best leaders when you're recruiting. What do you look for? What do you ask?

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