
Hello all!

I'm currently on the fist assessment of cipd level 5and I'm unable to find any link or help with how to do the references! Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you 😊

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  • Hi Stephanie,

    It's too late for your first assignment but for the future ones if you still need it, this website was a great help for me, you just pop in the details and it generates the Harvard Referencing for you to just copy and paste...



    Good luck!


    Harvard Referencing Generator | Reference a Website
    Harvard Generator is a free tool that allows you to quickly and easily format references and sources in the correct Harvard Referencing Format
  • Hi Stephanie,

    when using word, click on References along the top.  In the centre of the tool bar you'll see Manage Sources, Style and Bibliography. The Manage Sources tab will allow you to input your reference data. However, before using the Manage Sources tab, use the Style drop down menu to select what stle of reference you need, for example Harvard. Once you've done that you can use the Manage Source tab to input the information from your source. At the top of this field it'll have a drop down to select where you got your source from, for example, a web page, document, report etc. Select this first as it will dictate what fields you need to fill in. Once you've filled in all the fields save and close. Once this is done, go to where you want your reference or bibliography and selct the relevant one from the drop down menu in the tool bar. Word will then automatically create the reference in the format you asked for i.e. Harvard. It sounds compleicated, but actually once you get the hang of it, it's very quick and easy to use and save's you loads of time and stress. Hope this helps. 

    • Thanks a ton !


      • Hi Stephanie

        If you go to the Community group for your programme and click the Study Tips & References tab, you'll find easy to follow videos that demonstrate David's instructions.

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