CPD and Career Development Forum - latest discussions

The CPD and Career Development Forum

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chernobyl tour

My tour of Chernobyl was an unforgettable adventure. The all-inclusive package made the trip incredibly convenient, covering everything from transportation to dosimetric control. The guide’s expertise and past experience as a stalker added a unique depth to the tour. I would highly recommend this tour сhernobylstory.com to anyone interested in Chernobyl.

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CV support please

Good evening all, I wondered if there was anyone on the forum who currently works in employment relations that would be wiling to look at my CV and give me some pointers please? I work for a trade union and have done so for a decade, representing members. Although employment relations is the majority of my role, breaking over to the other side of the table into HR seems quite a challenge. I would really appreciate it if anyone has the time to see if my CV is up to scratch please?

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3 Replies · Reply by Jeff Thorsen Apr 22

Who Can Write My Essay at Cheap Price

Most of the students are not perfect for the writing work and they must need assistance with experts who can work for them so now they can use our website write my essay - Assignment Ace which is providing all types of essay services. We know, students do not write an essays assignments with ownself so this is why we help to them.

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Mastering the Art of Writing Sports Event Reviews: Insights from AllHipHop Authors

Crafting a compelling sports event review is a skill that requires precision and creativity. Drawing from the expertise of authors at http://allhiphop.com/author/tips-on-how-to-write-a-sports-event-review/, here are valuable tips to help students excel in this endeavor.Thorough Research: Start by conducting comprehensive research on the event, including details about the teams, athletes, venue, and significance of the occasion. Understanding the context will enable you to provide insightful…

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Struggling with an assignment

I am really struggling with 3 questions in my assignment am now on my third chance. I have got to do 7 assignments by Dec 2023 as I have been unwell. I don't know who to talk to and feel incredibly low that I have got so far and hit a wall. I am unsure if its because of my medication making me fuzy headed or if I am just misunderstanding the questions.Does anyone know who I can talk to? I have tried emailing the service team but they said I need to message on here. 

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1 Reply · Reply by Anne Marie Carr Nov 9, 2023

CIPD Pre-2021 Qualification End Date - IMPORTANT

Dear Student We are posting this notification as you are currently studying a CIPD Pre-2021 qualification and to remind you that your qualification has an end date. What does this mean? As mentioned previously, this means that regardless of your course support period with DPG Learn (you will find details of your course support end date within your enrolment documentation) – your course must be fully completed (all assignments must be submitted and awarded a Pass mark) no later than 31st March…

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1 Reply · Reply by alexgilbert Oct 6, 2023

ILM Dual Award claim

Good afternoon. I wanted to make you aware of the cut off time to claim your ILM dual award. The ILM dual award is available for all students who have completed the CIPD Level 5 Diploma in Human Resource Management. It is a separate qualification you can get for no extra work, and it costs £234. As you are aware the pre 2021 qualifications have come to an end and this means that we now have a final date to claim the ILM dual award. If you would like to take up the offer to receive the ILM…

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0 Replies · Reply by Kevin Davis Oct 5, 2023

Who is in control of your career? Be your own career coach

You are busy – you don’t have time to read yet another blog. So I’ll make this as punchy as I can.  Big data and evidenced-based approaches are increasingly what the world seems to be looking for. Can you use such evidence to help your career? You can now via CareerBurst – and access is included in your DPG Community membership.“ 10 years is the average number of years that successful people had stayed with their longest organisation”. Did you know that? Me neither. That’s not opinion, this is…

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3 Replies · Reply by Dinah Halpert Sep 13, 2023

CIPD Pre-2021 Qualification End Date - IMPORTANT

Dear Student We are posting this notification as you are currently studying a CIPD Pre-2021 qualification and to notify you that your qualification has an end date – for DPG Learn students this will be 31st December 2022. What does this mean? Your course work must be fully submitted no later than 31st December 2022. After this date your work will be marked within the standard SLA and returned to you, if you receive a refer for any unit you will be given a further 28 days to make changes from…

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2 Replies · Reply by Haibara Eilish Aug 24, 2023

Getting started with your CPD and Career Development area

To access CareerBurst, click here and sign in using the email address that you use for the DPG Community. The first time you sign in your password is: Car33r2020

You will be asked to set a new password on your first visit.

If you have any issues at login:

1, When using a PC, refresh your cache by pressing crtl+5 and try again.

2, If that doesn't work click the Forgotten Password option - the resulting email may land in your spam/junk and try again.

3, If all else fails, send a message to Gary Norris.

Then return to this forum and share your thoughts! 

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