Continued learning

I was very pleased with the response to my previous blog so thank you all.  In particular I must recommend the blog by Sarah Aubrey, Career or Mum - It shouldn't be a choice!  Absolutely, I was able to use some of the terminology while explaining my career / life choice to my friend. 

I am very excited to be attending the national CIPD conference in Manchester in November.  I am hoping that I will get the opportunity to meet some of the DPG community while I am there.  The programme of Seminars looks great and I have a full and informative day ahead of me on the 6th November.

Cannot wait.



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  • My pleasure Sarah, and absolutely we do ROCK:).  I will come and say hello, looking forward to it.

  • Hi Jennifer,
    Thanks for the recommendation! We've all been chatting about the working mum piece again today and decided that women really do ROCK...but we knew that anyway right?!
    We will be at CIPD November so you must come to our stand and say hi. We would love to catch up with you in person. If there is anything you need between now and then just shout.
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