Day One...HR Level 5 Diploma

Day One...HR Level 5 Diploma

I've started!

I have just spent half a day working through the first of the learning pathways for HR 5 Diploma. I'm feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves. I have missed studying, sort of, since leaving University and I am looking forward to having that kind of challenge again. The nerves kick in when I think of the amount of work and reading I will need to do in order to succeed as well as wondering how I am going to be disciplined enough to set time aside to get it done. Today has introduced me to CPD and the importance of picking up the habit of reflection and recording - hence my very first blog! I am hoping that as a group, my fellow students and I will be able to motivate each other through the coming months and create a really strong support network that keeps us all focussed and moving in the right direction.

Here goes nothing....

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  • I'm glad to hear that you've already been introduced to the importance of continuous professional development (CPD) and the habit of contexto reflection.

    Contexto Game | Contexto Unlimited
    Contexto is a word-guessing game where players have to find the secret word with unlimited guesses. After each guess, you will receive hints based on…
  • To tackle the workload effectively, create a study schedule that fits your daily routine. Dedicate specific blocks of time to retro bowl your coursework, and try to stick to your schedule as closely as possible.

  • Hi. I had my first Webinar for Level 5 L&D Diploma. I've finished the first learning pathway and currently working on submitting my learning contract. This is my first formalised study since 1999 and feeling 'excited and nervous' sums it up. Echoing other's sentiments, it's really reassuring to know so many of you are going through the same emotions and challenges as myself. I look forward to learning and sharing with the DPG community.

    • Hi Sahid, I had to miss the webinar due to work. I've been told it has been uploaded on here but I can't seem to find it. Have you come across it? Or could you give me a brief overview view of what I missed. Any info would be appreciated! Thank you,

  • Hi there.  I will be "in your shoes" in the next week or so.  I am about to start my level 5 CIPD too.  I am feeling nervous and eager at the moment.  And excited as I will popping along to Paperchase to treat myself to some new notepads and a diary to keep myself organised!

  • Hi Andrew & Emily

    I am glad I have logged on and seen others writing about the same as I am feeling. I have started and stopped and started over the past week as work takes over everything. (note to self, to organise my time management better). I find I am excited about all the different things I think I need to read and then feeling a bit overwhelmed about what is important to read first! I haven't undertaken a course in this sort of format before, but I am looking forward to getting stuck  into it and hoping that we will all be in a similar boat so we can help each other with our different experiences. Today I am starting my CPD log so onward with the journey.

  • Hi Andrew & Emily 

    Thanks for posting and replying :)

    Great role modeling around peer to peer sharing and getting involved! Good luck with your programmes and remember - keep sharing :)

  • Hi Andrew, thanks for sharing- its encouraged me to do my fist post! 

    It's good to know I'm not alone with the mixture of feelings about plunging back into the world of studying! Last week was such a hectic week at work,so finding time to study was a real struggle, which made me panic and question how I was going to juggle work, studying and my home life. However, after a moment of reflection ( and a stern word myself!) I realised that despite a difficult week there was actually so much I could take from it and CPD certainly helped with this! Sometimes it's hard to reflect, especially on more difficult situations, so I completely agree with the importance of making CPD a habit.

    • Hi all,

      So glad to see your posts, thank you! I feel exactly the same as you have described above! A mixture of being excited about the new challenge and petrified at the same time! Will need to dicipline myself and get into the habit of studying again. Last time I have studied over 15 years ago! Let's keep positive spirit everyone:)

      • Hello everyone,

        These posts have been very reassuring and thank you. I look forward to staying in touch and sharing the knowledge.

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