HR and the Army!

I have worked in the Military as what they call a HR Administrator for approx. 10 years and I have recently taken the plunge and left a very well paid, stable job in the Army.  I have gone over to the Dark Side, joined the ranks of Civvy Street!  This sounds crazy given our current economic climate but believe me there are very good reasons....

Anyhow, the reason for this blog is to publicise my recent findings.  I always kind of thought that my Military HR/Admin experience wouldn't really stand me in good stead on 'the outside', this was then confirmed when I read on lots of Groups on Linked In etc that the kind of work we did in the Army was no use to man nor beast.

So, scared out of my wits with this information I have embarked on my Work Placement with a NHS Medical Staffing Dept  with some reticence.  However, I am now 3 days into my Placement and I am by far no means saying I know everything about civilian HR because I don't BUT what I do know is I have oodles of transferable skills, a vast and in depth knowledge about lots of different areas of HR and also that things aren't that different away from the Army! *Lets out big sigh of relief!*

I have also in this 3 day period re-proved to myself that I am a hard worker, I'm adaptable, I'm robust, I'm intelligent and possibly most importantly to me - I am a nice person who people enjoy being around.

All I can say is.......Roll on the next five and a half weeks!!  :)

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  • Thanks for sharing Lucy, it's great to hear about your journey down 'Civvy Street' and I'm pleased to hear it's going well. More importantly I'm pleased to hear that it's giving you confidence as this will provide the foundation to go on to bigger and better things.

    We have a number of ex-military currently on our programmes so keep sharing and hopefully others will get involved and share experiences of leaving the forces.

    Well done and good luck for the next 5 weeks!

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