career (9)

Do you love your job and if so, why?

Is there any such thing as a typical HR or a typical L&D job? Probably not as organisations, and teams, are so different in their size, structure and makeup.

I love my job but suspect it is highly atypical. I am a compliance training manager in a Qua

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HR and the Army!

I have worked in the Military as what they call a HR Administrator for approx. 10 years and I have recently taken the plunge and left a very well paid, stable job in the Army.  I have gone over to the Dark Side, joined the ranks of Civvy Street!  Thi

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1357158?profile=RESIZE_180x180I was lucky enough to speak at the recent Training Journal Winter Conference on using Social Media in Learning, it was a great event. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing the presentations from each of the speakers and chatting with fellow attendees on a sub

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The HR Map -

Earlier this week the Gloucestershire branch of the CIPD hosted an event with Sarah Bryant, the CIPD's HR Capability Project Coordinator. It is Sarah's job to keep the Map up to date, translate it into a living document for us & get the message out t

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