The HR Map -

Earlier this week the Gloucestershire branch of the CIPD hosted an event with Sarah Bryant, the CIPD's HR Capability Project Coordinator. It is Sarah's job to keep the Map up to date, translate it into a living document for us & get the message out to members that this is the set of Professional Standards to aspire to.

I have attached a powerpoint presentation here HR Profession Map Powerpoint which you may find interesting in terms of another overview. The website is constantly being updated with more information & they are planning to launch some info sheets as well. But there are some very good resources in the FAQs section & beyond for you as students when trying to get that first assessment in!

There are some case studies on-line here about how organisations are using the Map to support their HR capabilities, but they are very keen to hear from individuals about their experience in using the Map to develop themselves, support their career progression etc. 

I had a good discussion with Sarah about some of the barriers that people may feel when using the Map, particularly the fact that the language is difficult to get to grips with & it can be difficult to translate it into the actual tasks that people perform on a day to day basis. One of the ideas that came out of our chat was that it may be useful to identify some key roles that HR professionals undertake & then map them to the Map itself - many of these undoubtedly cross over more than 1 professional area. This might help to bring it to life, particularly for new students having to get to grips with it in a short space of time. 

What do you think? Sarah is keen to hear from individuals with their views, or add some comments to this post & we can take them forward to the CIPD. After all the Map is there for us, we should make it work for us......

PS: I see that this month's People Management has an article on this as well 

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  • Hi Fiona, made a bit of progress and I'd like to run the idea by you .. see here

    Concept is to take the HR Map and do think about it in terms of the Challenges and Opportunities that are presented in a specific business. We're playing around with this idea so content is more accessible and more easily understood by those wanting to benefit from it.

    If you click through into the board we would think about a specific business and see what we thought it could mean. I'm not sure that the HR map is the place to start but always like to think differently about ways people make sense of things.

    Given your recent experience interested in your views whether this is a useful treatment?

  • Really useful Fiona thanks for sharing.

  • Good read this Fiona, I've got an idea to share with you but I need to do something first!

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