Hi everyone - can I pick your brains?

I am reviewing the structure of our L&D function to better meet the needs of our business. We are an operational business based at around 60 sites across the UK plus a head office - each site has a small team of operators ranging from a manager, customer facing staff and maintenance/housekeeping.  We need to provide more role-specific TRAINING (remember that word?!) whereas we have in recent times moved to more of a digital-first strategy. This worked during Covid, but the business wants more face to face training now.

Our current team is small - myself and a team of 3 for 600 staff made up of myself (L&D Manager), one e-learning designer, one management development trainer and a training associate who I am developing into an Operational trainer.

For those of you who work in a similar business - operational, multi-site - how is your L&D team structured?  

Many thanks.

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