Stories as a vehicle for learning


My last three pieces of work have been designed around stories that put the learner at the heart of decision making to shape the learning journey and make decisions that influence outcomes for the characters in the stories. It works particularly well when there is a need for the learner to understand and navigate both process and manage the emotional reactions of the characters they engage with. I found this free story telling resource for those who are interested in this approach from Pixar/Khan academy. Good stuff.


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  • I came across this article and really like the tips here for bringing stories to your learning 

    A tale as old as time

    A tale as old as time: transform your content with digital storytelling
    Using stories into your elearning can make the difference between information transfer and real learning. Here are some elearning storytelling strate…
    • Interesting for me on 2 levels, the power of the language used in the boat scenario really impactful! The simplicity of the methods in the slavery story to focus my attention with the hands/objects that place the sentences before me and the fonts. I thought I did this well and realise that I have a lot to learn. Thanks for sharing  Mike 

  • Hi Joy

    I've just joined the community and started looking around. Thank you so much for sharing the link above - it's incredibly useful and makes me wish I'd joined earlier! 

    • Glad you found it useful Caroline 

  • Joy this is incredible, I'm obsessed with story telling (when it's appropriate) and this is the best 'share' I've ever clicked on. Thank you so much, what a gem!

    • Welcome Chris

  • Love this Joy, saw it on the Learn Patch Friday filter and have had a nosey but will take a closer look.

    Stories are hugely important (remember our improv stories lol)

    Here is a related post on the anatomy of a story by Krystyna Gadd from a couple of years ago

    • Thanks Mike

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