Good afternoon all,

I've been asked to adapt an existing Unconscious Bias training pack that was previously delivered in the classroom into a virtual training session (probably via Teams). The material contains some activities that were very successful in the training room, so I will be looking at ways of adapting these, but can I please ask if anyone has conducted virtual UB training in the past year, and what exercises did you use to reinforce the UB message? How did you do this and what platforms did you use to effectively do this?


Many thanks!



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  • Hi Rich

    As you are adapting the material you use that is already effective and no doubt considering budget too, the suggestions for using gamification and virtual reality in this article might not be relevant. It is an interesting read though and I think highlights the importance of learners understanding other perspectives and putting themselves in someone else's shoes - tech can really help with this. Maybe some of the ideas could be adapted so play a video and then have a discussion virtually about what was seen/heard etc. Or ask for a very large budget! ;-)

    Using tech to tear down unconscious bias

    Happy designing!


    How a traveling bus uses tech to tear down unconscious bias
    Each stop on the Check Your Blind Spots tour allows professionals to use virtual reality and gamification to learn about hidden biases in the workpla…
  • Hi Rich,

    You could consider using the Harvard Unconcios Bias free testing online (Link Below)

    I hve used this in face to face training and if facilitated and controlled well, can prompt great discussions around unconscious bias. 



    Take a Test
    • Many thanks Carl! much appreciated

  • Not done the UB virtual yet but have held similar sessions regarding line managment. I find the best sessions are the ones where everyone feel relaxed and able to voice their views. 

    A good interactive (although do check everyone's abilities - delegates that can't move around easily or quickly may need to prepare beforehand) ice breaker is a quick energising 'treasure hunt' or a 'whats on your desk' discussion.

    Not related to the subject but something might be - you just never know and thats the beauty of these activities. Everyone has something on their desk, so everyone can get involved. 

    Hope you get lots of helpful responses. 


    • Thank you Natasha! much appreciated :) 


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