
I am currently looking at quality assurance for webchat conversations with customers and quickly realising that there are differences between a webchat conversation and a telephony one.  I'm looking for any resources which will help me establish what good looks like and how to assess this in a fast paced, regulated customer contact centre environment using a knowledge base to deal with the enquiries.

Any pointers or tips welcomed.


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  • Hi Mike

    Thanks for this, I'm actually reassured as it feels as though we have set up a similar structure.

    In answer to your questions:

    • Have you brought in web chat recently and how have you set it up e.g. dedicated team, sales / customer service only? 

    We have dedicated servicing teams, one dealing with general enquiries (anything as gadget pops up when customer logs in) and 2 teams dealing with targeted sections of online processes.  The generic team are harder to QA as customers can be vague and ask anything.

    • How is the knowledge base working - is there a collective database that people tap in to copy and paste standard answers to FAQs or when they free chat I assume the chat's are recorded and made available.

    The webchat system links to the knowledge base suggesting answers to the customer query, the webchatter can then pull the answer over.  The knowledge content is based on our top queries.  The webchat saves internally and can be pulled for QA, it also saves to customer file.  Customers get the option to save/print the chat aswell.

    Is the process clearly defined on what chatters can and can't deal with with hand off points.

    Yes, as part of this project we have analysed the chats received and have created a clear guide as to what is direct back to website, guide and help, direct to phone (usually customer specific or sensitive info)

    How are you currently auditing them - same process as telephony and finding this isn't working? If so which bits aren't working?

    Same process as telephony so we are able to see when knowledge is used, or if free-typed check the content and grammar.  Where our gaps are is soft skills, what does good look like in a written conversation as no tone, pitch, rapport, etc.

    You've reassured me that we are on the right journey.



    • Brilliant, thanks for your help Mike, appreciate you replying.


    • Great glad that's helped and it sounds like you're doing all the right things - like though it's an iterative process and continuously improving based on experience and feedback.

      Same process as telephony so we are able to see when knowledge is used, or if free-typed check the content and grammar.  Where our gaps are is soft skills, what does good look like in a written conversation as no tone, pitch, rapport, etc.

      This is somewhat subjective and quite difficult to quantify - the ultimate measure is that the customer has i) had their questions answered in the expected time ii) had a good experience. 

      I've just done some digging on Google and found a few resources - might be worth having a read of this one https://www.comm100.com/blog/live-chat-best-practices.html as there is some stuff int here about tone, pitch and rapport 


      16 Live Chat Best Practices to Help You Deliver Superior Customer Service - Comm100 Blog
      Use this list of live chat best practices to help you deliver exceptional customer service.
  • Hi Gillian,

    I worked at RBS Insurance when they brought in web chat on the Churchill insurance website and was responsible for training a dedicated team of web chatters. This was about 8 years ago and the market has changed massively. Web chat is huge now and customers expect this as part of the omni-channel mix as a viable way to contact companies without having to in in and be placed in a queue etc. Insurance is regulated so appreciate some of the challenges that go with that.

    So a few questions if I may...

    • Have you brought in web chat recently and how have you set it up e.g. dedicated team, sales / customer service only?
    • How is the knowledge base working - is there a collective database that people tap in to copy and paste standard answers to FAQs or when they free chat I assume the chat's are recorded and made available.
    • Is the process clearly defined on what chatters can and can't deal with with hand off points.
    • How are you currently auditing them - same process as telephony and finding this isn't working? If so which bits aren't working?

    In terms of what good looks like - it's difficult to nail as every organisation is different but some of the things we use for Quality Assurance was below 

    - Welcome / Introduction - asking correct title and what the problem is today...

    - Using correct English & grammar - this was a BIG one - no text talk or slang - there was some flexibility to account for mirror and matching 

    - Typing speed and time to answer queries - is there is a word per minute speed they need to reach? Is there an optimum length of chat to support chat volumes?

    - How many chats can be done at once - I think we had 1 per chatter to begin with but scaled up to 3 in 6 months.

    - Accuracy of answers - number of standard FAQs - again depends on what the chatters are providing but is there anything they must type Verbatim due to regulations

    - Rating and feedback - feedback scores from customers.

    Not sure if this helps or is sounding familiar or stuff you're already doing but happy to keep sharing and chatting this through.

    Anyone else had experience in this area?

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