DPG Community, your thoughts please...

A former colleague and I are considering starting a YouTube channel with the aim of reflecting on our own experiences in the world of L+D/HR. I'm in the early stages of my CIPD Lvl 5 LDM and he is has also just started is Lvl 5 HRM. 

We consider oursleves to be relatively inexperienced but incredibly passionate about what we do andwe want to provide some insight to those that may be condiering a move into our field without any pretence or showmanship. Just good, honest perspective on our experiences of the HR/L+D role.


Our conundrem is this, is it really worth it?

We ofcourse know that this is a good contribution to our CPD but I wanted to ask, is it really going to add value to those looking into a move into our industry? There's already so much out therre, how can we make sure that our channel is not just another drop in the ocean of information already available? Our budget is small (non existant to be honest...!), our time is precious but what we're lacking in resource, we hope to make up for in enthusiasm.


Any thoughts, ideas and opinions on our USP and content that you'd like to see would be gratefully reciveed.

Thanks, Mike



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  • I believe that anything that provides people with a better understanding of the working world is worthwhile. Students at level 3 (and perhaps level 5) may be just beginning their careers as "people professionals," thus a window into your fields would be helpful. Getting as much information as possible is helpful while deciding on a career path due to the wide variety of positions available within the sector mario games

    An increasing number of people are currently on the lookout for new employment opportunities or exploring the potential application of their transferrable abilities in a different field. Advertised positions, job descriptions, and job specs all provide some information about available positions, but they rarely provide all of the relevant details.

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  • Hi Mike,

    I stumbled across your post and as a believer in reflective practice and working out loud I thought I'd pitch in.

    Firstly, I'd say that deliberate reflection is an extremely useful thing to do, but it doesn't have to be public. I do understand that the public nature of sharing can offer benefits, such as feedback, focus, accountability and also the development of a personal brand, even if you're just reflecting for learning, but I do think that YouTube is an ocean in which it's easy for things to get lost. There's also a lot of L&D content already, of various types.

    My inkling, as someone who spends a fair amount of time on there myself, is that developing a profile and a network on LinkedIn might be a better way to go. There are a lot of people involved in L&D and related fields such as training delivery, instructional design etc on there and a lot of people discussing workplace learning on a daily basis. I suspect that your thoughts on there would be welcomed and also may get feedback. You can also learn a lot from the content shared and discussed by industry experts. You may find that certain people with 'names' in the industry are willing to chip in with comments and advice. 

    Of course, you can continue to post videos on YouTube and then share them on LinkedIn, to start a discussion on there, or just post the videos straight to LinkedIn (FYI - the LI algorithm prefers that).

    In general, taking this route would mean you're reflecting, learning, seeking feedback, working out loud and developing and maintaining a personal learning network, which is likely to come in very useful as you progress in your career. So you'd be getting more value for the time and effort you spend.

    I hope this is useful to you!


  • You know what, Michael Pryor , I've been thinking of setting up some sort of Vlog about my current journey too. So I think this is an excellent idea, allow me to tell you why!

    The benefits I can see for you:

    A huge part of career progress is making your progress known. All too often, a colleague or manager asks something like "How is it going?" and we reply "Fine. Really busy". There's a missed opportunity there. We need to tell that person more detail, then every time we get asked the question our storytelling skills improve and more and more people are aware of what we are doing. And then, when an opportunity comes up that might suit us - those people that know our story are in a position to make a connection, and who knows what doors this could open?

    Something like a Vlog and building up a following is a way of building a mini-community of connections and there is every chance that this will pay off. I'm currently reading Reset by David Sawyer. In that, he muses that we should build a profile and the associated connections and expect to have to work on it for at least a year before those connections eventually bear fruit. The idea is that we pay into the universe and one day it pays us back.

    Imagine going into a job interview 18 months from now and being able to say that your YouTube channel has 500 followers! You've built up a network of 500 professionals - that's impressive!

    The benefits for others:

    I totally see the point about whether or not there is space for this. I'm all for it, so I'm biased. But I genuinely think there is, for one thing, I can't name anyone else that is doing it - can you? Video connects well with people. Ups and downs are helpful for others to see. I'd say that particularly when studying online, it's good to see someone's face and hear their voice - as humans we are designed to crave connection. And connection helps to motivate us.

    If there is space for me to contribute to your plan, then I'd love to.

    If you blog here about the YouTube channel and then reply to your post every time you update it, you instantly have an audience base to give you the first step on the ladder. Again, I'm happy to help you set this up.


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    • Gary - Thank you!

      I'd never thought of it as setting up a 'mini-community', and it itself its an undertaking with massive possibilities. I'm now more confident than ever that this certainly going to be worth the effort.

      We are still in the conceptual stages of setting it up but once we're up and running I'll keep a regular blog update on the progress of the channel. 

      Thanks again, M

  • Hi Mike

    I'm an Associate facilitator for DPG and a coach, who helps people with their careers.

    I think anything that helps people get an insight into the world of work has to be positive. Often learners at level 3 (and sometimes 5) are new to the work of being a 'people professional', so an insight into your worlds could be useful. There are so many different roles within the profession and in choosing a career path, it is helpful to get as much information as possible.

    At the moment more people are seeking new roles or looking to use transferable skills in a different career. While job adverts, job descriptions and job specifications give some details of jobs they don't give the full picture.

    Reflective practice is an important part of the CPD process and the idea of doing it as a Vlog could make it feel more natural than documenting it in a particular way. CPD requires 'formal' reflection which is different. There is a useful CIPD document, which explains the difference between reflective practice and reflection; I think Vlogging could be a good tool, if you go ahead it would be interesting to hear how you both find it.

    As for if it is worth it, I would say that depends what you want to get out of it and how much time you have! Personally, I think it will help people, especially if there is scope for people to add their own thoughts and contributions. It could also help you test out the use of Vlogging for reflective practice, you might pave the ways for others to do it this way.

    I hope my thoughts are helpful! If you do try it, I'll be sure to take a look.


    • Thank you Hlelen, I'll be sure to take a look at the Reflective Practice guide, CPD is alos new ot me so this will be really useful.

      We're still at the stage of deciding exactly how we're going to run the channel and how its will look but one thing we're really keen to do is encourage other people to contribute, and who knows, it may take off! :-)


      Thanks again for your support, M

  • ... just noticed the spelling errors, that'll teach me to proof before posting :-P


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