Blended learning is nothing new, in fact blended learning has been around for as long as if not longer than eLearning.

However more organisations are now using different tools and technologies like social platforms, communities, virtual classrooms, eLearning and face to face sessions to create really powerful and meaningful learning experiences.

Welcome Blended Learning 2.0

If you are looking to move away from traditional delivery as your primary means to deliver training and your looking at frameworks like 70/20/10 to help inform your L&D strategy then blended learning is something that needs to be part of that mix.

To help raise awareness and shape your thinking around this topic there is a Blended Learning Implementation Guide that you can access below 

This is an informative and helpful resource and I highly recommend you reading this and sharing it with your L&D colleagues.

Blended Learning Implementation Guide

Props to Digital Learning Now for creating the guide

Got any questions about Blended Learning? Post them in comments below 

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Take a look for your local branch here and what events are happening. Remember attending these events are great CPD evidence.

CIPD Branch Event Search


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