Developing a Global Mindset

I'm wondering if any of you can help me with a new 2014 project I have been given, Developing a Global Mindset for the organisation. My initial thoughts are this will focus largely on cultural awareness/intelligence, behaviours, attitudes and global working.

Do any of you in your organsations run any cultural awareness training? global leaders training or have any form of global working best practice guidelines?

If you have anything which you think could help please send it to me at my works email address: .

All help appreciated, many thanks tracy :) xx

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  • Hi Tracy, I've e mailed you some possible ideas.

    Alison :)

  • Hi Tracy,

    There is an excellent book about how to develop a Global Mindset and what does it mean: "Put Your Mindset To Work", Reed J., PhD Stoltz, P., G., Published by the Penguin Group, 2011.


    An extract of an article published in HR Adviser Magazine 2011, by Deloitte, "Global mobility. Fostering a Global Mindset"

    Hope this might help you.


    • Many thanks Sorina I'll have a look into both of them.  Regards tracy


  • Afternoon Alison

    I shall to answer some of your questions in the hope that it will provide a little more direction around what I have to do.  We are a publishing company with around 340 staff based globally and currently our global mindset is recognising we all work in different time zones - we know this greatly needs to be improved, especially as the company is rapidly growing, particularly on territory all over the world, hence the project.

    An awareness of different cultures currently exists in some individuals and teams but we need to get everyone to the same level of cultural intelligence and for this to become part of day to day working life.  Whilst I recognise there will be more work to do with global leaders and managers we need to get everyone equipped with the knowledge, skills and midfulness of how to work effectively across cultures. 

    I've really been given free reign on this project to provide a knowledge base of info, weblinks, videos training anything which will help people learn and then through scenarios, or doing embedding the learning.

    Hope this helps and thanks for your comments - it is a fantastic project to get stuck into but also scary as its so big and I think it will be an ongoing continually evolving piece.  At the minute I've no idea on how I'm going to measure the success of this either so all help greatfully recieved.

    Thanks Tracy (

  • Hi Tracy, this sounds like a fab project to get your teeth into! I don't know the organisation that you work for and was wondering, from the perspective of scoping the project ie deciding what is in and what is out of scope, why do they want to develop a global mindset and how will they know when they have achieved it. What do they expect the difference to look like. Is the organisation itself global, or is it the customer base that is global? A few questions there, but might help someone decide if they have anything useful to offer. (Sorry for my poor punctuation)

    In terms of systems to aid global working is the organisation looking to assess options?

    In terms of culture is it already a multi cultural organisation?
    I have a few ideas that might help, depending upon the answers to the questions.

    As it is training that you are looking to offer, what does the delegate population look like and how receptive do you expect them to be? Will the training help them to deliver on their objectives? I presume your organisation will be expecting a specific return on their investment in their people. If they will be keen to engage then you can make good use of their experience in the delivery and possibly in the development phase as well. It will be great to hear how the project progresses, good luck with it. I will send ideas directly if i think i can help.
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