
  • Angel,

    I've worked with students with Specific Learning Difficulties for about 15 years and would be happy to help. Mike's tip of using the British Dyslexia Association is a great one and I would refer you there in the first instance. The subject is a minefield and people who have got to a relatively advanced position in life without having been formally diagnosed ( and it is a diagnosis rather than a guess that can only really formally be done by an Educational Psychologist) have often developed immense coping strategies and mechanisms to hide any outward signs of difficulty. It's easy to confuse 'symptoms' and to label someone as having dyslexia when they could have dyspraxia or dyscalculia or none of the above. There are organisations that can also offer advice such as Learn Direct and any local adult education college. 

    Hope that helps but let me know if you need any specific advice.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Angel

    I have used the British Dyslexia Association website a lot over the years as my son has difficulties with reading and writing.

    Are you looking specifically in education or in the workplace?

  • Hi Angel

    I have some experience.  How can I help?




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