CHR Assessment

Hi Everyone

Those who have done their CHR assessment can you please help?

I am slightly confused on part 2 which asks for key stages of strategy formulation and implementation using 2 key models.

 Are Porter's 5 forces model, Balanced Scorecard, SWOT, PESTLE all models of strategy? Can I use any two of these two for comparison?

If not then, then besides delibrate vs emergent strategy which other models can I use? 

Thank you. Any help would be really appreciated.


Kind Regards,


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  • Hi Sameen, 

    For this, you need to pick 2 strategy. I chose Deliberate, also known as Intended, Planning, and I used Emergent.  If you need to look at authors, you can take a look at Scholes & Johnson who explain this, also  Mintzberg as he was the one talking  about emergent strategies. 

    Formulation it would be like the process how the strategy forms and implementation when does it implement. For example: with Deliberate, it's all linear because they set objectives, they do SWOTS and PESTLE in the business, they set ideas of strategies, take a look at resources, skills, then activities, set dates and then after all is organised, it's implemented, people have objectives in their jobs which contribute to the stragegy achievemnt. It's very top down. However, on the other hand you have emergent. This says that it's not planned, there is no missino or values, generally they are companies like star-ups that need to respond to constant change so can't have a linear strategy. So this strategy emerges from people's activities till it becomes a pattern and that pattern becomes strategy. So it's the opposite, it comes from the workers bottom-up, and formulation and implementation are together. 

    Mintzberg talks about other strategies. The thing is it's easy using deliberate or emergent because they are opposite and appears in most books. 


    Hope that helps. 


    Ps: we created a group in Facebook for Level 5 HR DPG students to help each other with questions. Feel free to join. 

  • Hi Sameen,

    You could use the five P's. I am currently doing this assessment at the moment, I am struggling to stick to the 2600 word count, can you advise me on how best to manage this please.




    • Hi Siobhan,

      I'd recommend you just write at the beginning, don't focus on the words. Once you finish the assignment, then you take a look on what things you added that doesn't answer the question or it's not needed (extra) and rephrase some sentences to make it easier. When I finished the assessment I had 4000 but i lowered it to 2800. 

      Hope that helps, 


    • Hi Siobhan,

      I can totally relate, it is not easy to stick to the word count. I tried to cover everything from the assessment video and write to the point. If you think you have added extra detail and information just make it short or delete it if word count exceeds. This has worked for me and we are allowed +10% for word count which comes in quite handy in the end. 

      Good luck :)

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