HI All,


Hope some of you have a few mins to spare to help me. I've created a very basic survey to create some comparison data bewteen my organisation and other on the subject of absence. We have a lot of short term frequent absence by repeat offenders and I'm curious to know if this is something that happens in other places. I also need to know if other have an absence maangement policy and if it is used. Any help that can be given would be greatly appreciated



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  • Hiya,

    I have completed your survey.  I work for a school and our absence management procedure is quite tight and monitored daily for obvious reasons teachers need to be in class teaching and if they are not others have to provide cover or we need to bring in supply teachers which cost money so it is really a quality of education matter and financial one to ensure we keep our absence to a minimum.  Also there are seasonal absences with autumn/early spring being our worst time but come summer things improve. Another trend is at the end of terms, staff are tired and so are pupils and stress levels increase.  

    Whatever your organisation is, introducing an absence management procedure will be unpopular, we heavily communicate that the reason for it, is supportive and not punitive; which is true but is not perceived as such.  Ultimate you want work not to be the cause of the absence and this is the basis for our procedure so we do ask if the absence is work related and if it is, we work closely with the member of staff and our occupational health provider and also offer access to a counselling service which is completely separate from the school.

    I hope you find a solution and can bring people on side. 

    All the best.

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