Hi all,


I'm just on section C of the first assignment, I have got two models which I have discussed regarding  Group Dynamics however I'm really struggling to find two models on Conflict Resolution. I have already talked about the Thomas Kilmann Model but after searching the internet I can't find a second. Has anyone else had any luck?


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  • Hi Emily, I just stumbled across your question regarding conflict resolution models. Good luck with your assignment. I'm not sure what your assignment asks you to do specifically, however it may help you to look at the process of conflict resolution and come up with a defition and explore the 3 basic types of conflict and how to address them. They are: task, relationship and value conflict and there are a range of tools, models and explanations that link to each. I hope this helps! Good luck again with your assignment.

  • Hi Emily,

    I'm just about to start the assisgnment, not sure if the Interest-Based Relational (IBR) may help?


    • Thank you, I did stumble accross this whilst looking however i wasn't sure it would be credible, I think its probably the only other option after Thomas Kilmann Model.


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