Dear all,

I am new to DPG CIPD level 5 in HR and I am keen to make the most of this opportunity. 

Can you guys recommend what books I should be reading?

And if you know any articles or other useful tips please do share it with me, your help would be much appreciated.

Thanks guys 

Kind regards,


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  • Hi

    If you go to your programme Community group, on each tab you'll see a Resources & Links area which have plenty of Facilitator approved reading material 


    • Hi Gary, 

      Sorry, I am new to the course. How do I find the resources and links area? I am part of the Online HRM programme group and cannot see such an area. Could you please help :) 

      Thank you 

  • We have a Facebook group with is really good. There is also links to a slack group where people share articles and PDF versions of textbooks

    • Please what is the facebook page name.?

    • Hi Jo, 


      I have just enrolled on the CIPD level 5 diploma few days ago and would love to join the Facebook group. Could you please provide more details on how I could join :) 


  • Hi Shoaib, 

    I'm new to DPG/CIPD Level 5 also, and echo what you have said. 

    Any books, articles, journal recommended reading would be appreciated. 



    • Hi Shoaib

      You'll also find plenty of recommended extra reading in your elessons 


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