As technology continues to evolve, so do the methods and tactics used by cybercriminals. This has made application security testing more critical than ever before. However, you can protect your business and customers from potential cyber threats by proactively identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in your applications.


At Prancer, we offer comprehensive Application Security Testing services to help businesses of all sizes secure their applications and infrastructure. Our testing methodologies are designed to identify vulnerabilities and potential risks to your applications, including those commonly exploited by cybercriminals.


What is Application Security Testing?

Application security testing is a process of identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in an application. This includes testing for common security issues such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and other vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit. Application security testing can be done in various ways, including manual and automated testing.


The goal of application security testing is to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in an application and provide actionable insights to address them. This can help businesses protect their applications from cyber threats, maintain compliance with industry standards and regulations, and build customer trust.


How Prancer Can Help


At Prancer, we offer a comprehensive suite of application security testing services to help businesses identify and address vulnerabilities in their applications. Our services include:


Manual Testing: Our experienced security experts conduct manual testing to identify vulnerabilities that automated tools may miss. This includes testing for business logic flaws, sensitive data exposure, and authentication and authorization issues.


Automated Testing: We use state-of-the-art automated tools to identify common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and other easily exploited by attackers.


Code Review: We review the source code of your application to identify vulnerabilities that may exist in the code itself, including coding errors, insecure coding practices, and other issues.


Compliance Testing: We test your applications to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations, including PCI DSS, HIPAA, and others.


Reporting: We provide detailed reports highlighting the vulnerabilities and potential risks to your applications and actionable insights to address them.

About Us

Every day, major cyber attacks occur, but most security solutions are reactive rather than proactive. Prancer attack automation technology validates your cloud ecosystem continuously by analyzing current zero-trust cloud security solutions against critical real-world attacks. Furthermore, the discovery of cloud APIs across the organization is automated. Businesses can use automated cloud pen-testing to identify potential security risks and API-related vulnerabilities while reducing the number of false positives and associated risk ratings.


Contact Us


Phone No: (424) 666-4586

Address: 8910 University Center Lane San Diego, CA 92122






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