Resubmision Guidelines


Where can I find resubmision guidelines. I've resubmitted my assignment, but based on feedback it is not correct, as I had deleted the sections that I had in original submissions. I don't understand then process, and what I am suppose to leave, what can I delete, how do I show what i've changed, and how does the word count works. Very confused. please help :)




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  • Tatiana

    I cannot find a link to give you on how to resubmit an assignment but if you contact Gary Norris he will be able to help you.

    Basically, you do not delete any of your original submissions and highlight your new submission in red, but only the bits you have added in.

    You are able to go over your word count in a resubmission but just be careful not to go over by too much. I think it suggests somewhere approx an extra 100 words?

    Sorry, not a lot of help but hopefully clears up some of your concerns.




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