What is Self Assessment

Self-assessment is a process through which individuals evaluate themselves to discover their interests, dislikes, likes, values, strengths, weaknesses, wants, and needs. Self-assessment is usually the first part of the process of career management. It is always recommended that before one chooses their career, they first discover who they are, and this is done through self-assessment.

Self-assessment includes: someone's interests, interests are the things an individual enjoys doing most. Interests are very valuable because they can give a clue about the career path someone should follow. For example, interests in working with computers, cooking, and fixing things can easily be turned into a career.

The second is personality; each individual is unique in terms of emotional combination and behavioral characteristics. Different careers fit different personalities. A person who is outgoing and social can fit best in a sales career or custom relations.

While assessing themselves, people should also consider their skills. Skills are divided into three. One is the functional skills. These are skills that can be carried along from one job to another without any difficulty. Second, are the adaptive skills; these skills are developed through experience as one grows due to exposure to different life factors. If someone knows their adaptive skills, they can know which careers or occupations can best suit them. Third are the technical skills; these are trained skills, so if someone knows themselves better, it is easy for them to decide which technical skills they can learn and implement.

Self-assessment also includes assessing one's abilities which include natural talent and potential. By assessing ourselves, we are able to determine the fields that interest us; hence we avoid making career mistakes. Personal needs for job satisfaction vary among individuals; it is due to this reason that someone has to examine their values before they choose a career. The other step is assessing the personal lifestyle and financial considerations. This is because by assessing one's lifestyle, someone is able to make wise career decisions.

Self-assessment is really important in our daily lives. When we live a life that is not examined, we become prone to mistakes, and life becomes worthless when we don't know our worth. Self-assessment helps us to maintain a personal brand that identifies our character. Self-assessment is beneficial since it helps us appreciate who we are. It builds our self-esteem and self respect. When we assess ourselves properly, we can not give in to pressure when we differ from other people.

Self-assessment will help us identify and establish our personality. By constantly assessing ourselves, it means that we are in touch with our subconscious minds. Self-assessment will help us maximize our strengths and put more effort into areas we think we can perform better. If we assess ourselves from time to time, it becomes easy for us to realize mistakes we commit unconsciously; we are able to gain from experience and move on.

Self-assessment is beneficial to everyone, be it a parent or a child, teacher or student, employer or employee since it helps us discover our inner selves, our greatest fears, and hopes. Self-assessment helps us pursue life from a better angle because we are aware of what we want. 

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  • The issue of self-assessment is of great importance in Human Resource Management practices and procedures. Self-assessment is regarded by managers as importance practice of developing professional and loyal employees with high solid capacities for learning, training and creating human capital. Self-assessment is highly reflexive practice and is particularly crucial for those enterprises that practice autonomous and deregulated personal and team-work. Therefore self-assessment is needed for creating necessary self-management possibilities for the work in order to make him more responsible and his performance more effective. But the problems occur with the validity and accurateness of self-assessment, though we must provide the analysis of various factors embedded in the process of self-assessment.

    The Issue of Self-Assessment in Human Resource Management - 637 Words | Essay Example
    Self-assessment is regarded by managers as importance practice of developing professional and loyal employees with high solid capacities for learning…
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