Dark age employers?

Morning all

HR in the news again this morning and this time on BBC Breakfast where they discussed a recent survey undertaken by the EHRC to understand managers’ attitudes around pregnancy and maternity discrimination.

Showing that many businesses’ attitudes are decades behind the law, the survey of 1,106 senior decision makers in business found around a third (36%) of private sector employers agree that it is reasonable to ask women about their plans to have children in the future during recruitment.

The new statistics also reveal six in 10 employers (59%) agree that a woman should have to disclose whether she is pregnant during the recruitment process, and almost half (46%) of employers agree it is reasonable to ask women if they have young children during the recruitment process.


The above does echo some of the experiences I have had when discussing this as a topic at networking events and I have been surprised at some of the attitude of business owners.

So what is HR's role in terms of changing these attitudes?

What are your thoughts?


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